Hello all! Last week the Internet Archive upgraded their bandwidth 30% from 47 Gbps to 62 Gbps. It was all gobbled up immediately. There's a lovely solid green graph showing how usage grows vertically as each interface comes online until it too is 100% saturated. Looking at the graph legend you can see that their usage for the past 24 hours averages 49.76G on their 50G of transport. To see the pretty pictures follow the below link: https://blog.archive.org/2020/05/11/thank-you-for-helping-us-increase-our-ba... Relevant parts from the blog post: "A year ago, usage was 30Gbits/sec. At the beginning of this year, we were at 40Gbits/sec, and we were handling it. ... Then Covid-19 hit and demand rocketed to 50Gbits/sec and overran our network infrastructure’s ability to handle it. So much so, our network statistics probes had difficulty collecting data (hence the white spots in the graphs). We bought a second router with new line cards, and got it installed and running (and none of this is easy during a pandemic), and increased our capacity from 47Gbits/sec peak to 62Gbits/sec peak. And we are handling it better, but it is still consumed." It is obvious that the Internet Archive needs more bandwidth to power the Wayback machine and to fulfill its mission of being the Internet library and the historic archive of our times. The Internet Archive is present at Digital Realty SFO (200 Paul) and a member of the San Francisco Metropolitan Internet Exchange (SFMIX). I appeal to all list members present or capable of getting to these facilities to peer with and/or donate bandwidth to the Internet Archive. I appeal to all vendors and others with equipment that they can donate to the Internet Archive to contact them so that they can scale their services and sustain their growth. The Internet Archive is currently running 10G equipment. If you can help them gain 100G connectivity, 100G routing, 100G switching and/or 100G DWDM capabilities, please reach out to them. They have the infrastructure and dark fiber to transition to 100G, but lack the equipment. You can find the Internet Archive's contact information below or you can contact Jonah at the Archive Org directly either by email or via the contact information available on his Twitter profile @jonahedwards. You can also donate at https://archive.org/donate/ The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations are tax-deductible. Contact information: https://archive.org/about/contact.php Volunteering: https://archive.org/about/volunteerpositions.php Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the Internet Archive. Nobody asked me to write this post. If something angers you about this post, be angry at me. I merely think that the Internet Archive is a good thing and deserves our support. Jared