-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Christopher Morrow wrote: | On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Rod Beck | <Rod.Beck@hiberniaatlantic.com> wrote: | |> Do not take taxis in New York. The subway is much faster and cheaper. | | 'you may consider that the NYC metro system is fairly cheap, fairly | ubiquitous... Taxi's are relatively expensive in the city, though nice | for certain places which maybe more of a gymnastics event on the | metro' | | (the taxi system in nyc isn't too horrid, though it is pricey, which I | think was Rod's main objection... plus if you taxi you miss out on the | other famous NYC attraction, the giant metro rats! :) ) | | If you're not from NYC and or aren't familiar with certain places be advised that taxi drivers can *mistakenly* get lost resulting in you paying a high bill. Tips on getting around: * East and West starts on 5th Avenue When you're on a numbered STREET (not Avenue) the divider from East and West is Fifth Avenue. The numbers work themselves from there on. So for example, if you needed to get to say 12 E57th Street, this will be between 5th and Madison Avenue. 400 E57th will likely be down near 2nd and 3rd Avenue. Numbers head higher in opposite directions: 1 West Whatever Street will be between on the West side of 5th Avenue and vice versa, 1 East will be across from 1 West ;) * Good eating: Chinese is best (opinion) around Mott Street and Canal. I've always stayed away from places directly on Canal Street. Best method to get around here via subway, 4 or 5 train from Brooklyn to City Hall, transfer to the 6 train one stop. Italian: Anywhere in Little Italy is usually good. Mulberry Street has some pretty good restuarants. Dress is usually casual for most places. Nightlife: Depending on your genre, see if you can pick up a copy of "Village Voice" usually free in the city (Manhattan for non NYers). Towards the end of the page, they usually post all sorts of clubs, dance spots, bars, etc.. Unsure of NANOG's dates (too lazy to read) - if it ends up going on through next Sunday or even begins then, some may want to keep away from the city or at least the midtown area as the Puerto Rican Day Parade is in the city. Usually crowded and getting or around the city via the train is a headache. NY'er tips... After certain hours, say 11pm'ish, when taking any of the subways (if you do), you generally want to stay in the car nearest the conductor. You'll usually find the troublemakers near the end of the cars. Same goes for the platforms. If you have to take a train late at night, stay in a visible area (common sense). Empire State Building... If you're going to visit, be aware they're doing a slew of security checks so expect delays. Any entrance you come in on, you'll end up getting in the line (tourist). Unsure about the visitors heading to the top, but you'll usually be asked for photo ID getting in the building (I was just there earlier this month). Yankee Stadium: Its the B, D or 4 trains. 4 is generally fastest to 161st Street. Shea Stadium, Tennis Center, Worlds Fair: 7 train. If you see a 7 train in a diamond (not circle) jump on it. Its the express train and will get you there faster. Lest I forget... Good good good steak: Peter Luger's (overrated a bit but some really good steaks). Here is a link for bars, clubs, nightlife, etc., etc., for those who don't pick up the paper: http://www.villagevoice.com/bestof/2007/category/arts http://www.villagevoice.com/bestof/2007/category/bars http://www.villagevoice.com/bestof/2007/category/sports (browse through not what you may think) Hippest bars (noise, music, people factor) (opinion): Anywhere under 14th street (14-Delancey) on 2nd Avenue. You could head towards midtown but they end up becoming. Snootiest bars (snooty meaning stuck up, I make more money from my dad's trust fund then you): 40s-60s circa 2nd and 3rd Avenue. Anything goes bars: Usually in the East Village (Bowery) Guess My Gender bars: Usually in the West Village Cool place to get a bite to eat, be seen, hear some cool music, see some cool people (think noisy): Caliente Cab Company. Best place to throw away your money for lights, camera and crapaganda: Times Square. Thats it for me. ;) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iQIVAwUBSEGbkIOeOV2sx4+mAQKQEg/5AQEBPhsztJ2IOcWy/rjNG0NtHPcjJBbl /WOmVKCG/HRnFYQMgett/OTqMNCQ5ebTnWTJk9zx1biO2y6ky+EBDLCl4iEmu7XQ 2S53NYLgR7En1be5RnguHAIHK2jUcfYqxNfEzaJfMlzjH8ptzAcFR3BoC89Sazr5 LeTiyzaq2nRlszocEAvCoONMDoqWch9rTqTurBSSxyeVOhpZdnHZfYh+CS5VaLHO GUuUJKcGHhlt1kyTgE//mtNe5tCwidJ91bLyo4625th/66Ie1K76OqVHBAaKqw/i ian1U1G03Rcx1MMo2D5n96kVxGxbcQ2ZBcGZetym23ynl+Jgp95BCESIe/5qTm7/ bWPNgsQ1jEzaQUqEm8lLlCjxa9eARMH1HHzggQsn8AmCG1QlEWn/q3V1UlkvVFfE lqKt0iQIj3B30anO+hY+xW4Le/8DxzSU+iRt8D+JwLXesJJtdo0kEVsYEyYMCw8b 8jESt4gjqVr0vxfs3fIOejFu+aUjd44nn9MvbgHGzqWzjTlpq4xXHVMVyCYrlSVb 8Fb0kXcDQPPgdzQ/YsTHyvo1LQrXIaGAm+cbz2+jZazSGHG2Kd3s7QysKiuIi3I9 yGHtj9JTi9mTD/J1BZ45bSh3DztIZmEc8B33xDnv8+50gicl6tojV5LKxwCoNKMr B3fjy5YjuWs= =xgN2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----