On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Jeroen Massar<jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:
William Herrin wrote: [..]
I'm not aware of any way of dynamically assigning an IPv6 subnet to a customer that's as well automated as IPv4 /32 dynamic assignment to a DSL router with an RFC1918 NATed interior, but that may just be my ignorance since I haven't needed to research it.
DHCP-PD (prefix delegation)
Hi Jeroen, Cool. So we'll have $100 CPE which uses it in a relatively idiot-proof manner sometime between now and eternity.
Static IP customer: /60
ARIN defines a /56 minimum. That is the reason that ISPs get a /32. RIPE defines a /48 at the moment.
ARIN "defines" a /64 minimum customer assignment and suggests /56. They go on to say that, "RIRs/NIRs are not concerned about which address size an LIR/ISP actually assigns." See ARIN NRPM https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six54
I recommend /60 as the customer default where most folks suggest /56 or /48. The IPv6 use profile looks a heck of a lot like the IPv4 use profile and /60 is 16 subnets. How many of your customers find a reason to use more than 3 IPv4 subnets, including their RFC1918 ones? Relatively few.
Think Future. And why bother with that anyway. If you as an ISP needs more address space just ring RIPE/ARIN/APNIC and ask for more, they will happily give it to you.
The future looks a lot like the past but with more blinking lights. Seriously, I'm pretty nuts when it comes to networking. My basement is AS11875, multihomed with about 35mbps of bandwidth. If I can't imagine how *I* would use more than 16 subnets then it's a safe bet that many years will pass before Joe random DSL customer wants to. The world won't end, even if you assign every customer a /48. But why be so grossly wasteful *before* anyone has demonstrated a practical use for doing so?
I guess you ran the numbers on how to run out of IPv6 address space?
IIRC, RIPE allocated a /19 to France Telecom. Doesn't take more than a few hundred thousand allocations like that one to wipe out the IPv6 address space. Regards, Bill Herrin -- William D. Herrin ................ herrin@dirtside.com bill@herrin.us 3005 Crane Dr. ...................... Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004