Just spent the evening catching upon NANOG reading. IPv6, NAT, VoIP, address reclamation and routing scalability all in one thread - WOW. Truly a nice mix of top NANOG argument. Even one posting on sloppy IPv6 peering policy! So how many who write against IPv6 have tried it? For any who use IPv6, I am interested in NAT/PT, 6to4, faith and DSTM experiences. Drop me a line if your willing to share your data. A few years ago I set up my home network with OS X, XP, and FreeBSD on it to run dual stacked IPv6/IPv4 - Set up a tunnel - The autoconf works IMHO better than DHCP - I can watch the Kame swim on all systems. Yeah I know deploying IPv6 on a large scale is an annoying thought, but I think some of the resistance to IPv6 is more from "don't bother me, I'm busy" than any hard fast technological reason. I do buy the market arguments that it will be driven by customer demand, especially in the US. I also side with the view that IPv6 appears to be gaining traction. USG is the 600lb gorilla customer and network provider will take notice. I have tasted the IPv6 forum cool-aide, and don't think its all that bad. The stuff is starting to work. I am beginning to think that you soon will be able to swap 6 for 4 and user will not be the wiser. Perhaps the cool-aide is spiked? -- Joseph T. Klein PSTN: +1 414 961 1690 VoIP: +1 414 431 4231 Mobile: +1 414 628 3380