that, and a thread where half of the posts are from the initial poster himself anyway. but then, happily watching him, at least he is creative in topics... i am mentally killfilling his threads anyway, less and less relevant. it is scary what stuff is discussed lately.
OK, Alexander Koch. You apparently have clue and you apparently know what *IS* on topic for this mailing list. Instead of posting an off-topic message like the one above, kindly post a message listing *ALL* of the topics that belong on this list. And if anyone else here thinks they know what is on topic, please tell us. I am getting bored by the flood of negative messages that say only "You can't say that here". Please stop telling us what you cannot say on NANOG. If you really must register your discontent with a message, then at least take the time to list some of the topics that belong on the list. What is NANOG all about? What is relevant to network operations? Is NANOG a narrowly focused technical list for a small group of technical specialists? Or is it some kind of broader industry-focused list that covers many issues relevant to the industry? --Michael Dillon