You're certainly welcome to encourage others not to use blacklists. Just understand that you have no right to complain when they decide to continue using those blacklists.
Having said that, do understand that I don't think DNSBL's are a panacea, nor are their operators perfect. But in many cases, they can be a useful tool in the anti-spam arsenal.
Weighing in with an opinion, as bad as blacklists *may be*, at least they let the sender know something's up. Not in an artful way, to be sure, but they give some notice. The sender can do _something_, including dropping his association with the recipient b/c it's not worth his time and trouble. Blackholing email because you think it's spam, OTOH, is pure evil. -- _________________________________________ Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, FSPA, LLM awacs@ziskind.us Attorney and Counselor-at-Law http://ziskind.us Economic Group Pension Services http://egps.com Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants