Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 12:31:54PM -0700, Christian Nielsen wrote:
start run cmd ipv6install
That's not what the KB article I read said, besides the fact that actually adding addresses/routes is a DOS prompt routine.
<flame> Ah.. so everywhere you see 'text' and have to input 'text' is DOS? Cool bash == DOS, shells are DOS. A thing like this: 8<--------- Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp. C:\> --------->8 is called a "Command Prompt" and has nothing to do with DOS. Why doesn't anybody complain when it's on *ix boxes ? It's shell everywhere then :)
Windows .NET Server and beyond The next version of Windows will include the first fully-supported release of the Microsoft IPv6 stack. This stack has been designed for full production use, suitable for live commercial deployments
Depends on how you define 'suitable', I'm expecting a whole new breed of exploits. They didn't 'exploit' me yet in the last 3 years I am using the development versions of the stack :) And everything has bugs
</Flame> And now for some usefull content: http://www.microsoft.com/ipv6/ http://research.microsoft.com/msripv6/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/sdks/platform/tpipv6/start.asp http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/howitworks/communications/ nameadrmgmt/introipv6.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/Downloads/sdks/platform/tpipv6/faq.asp And you'd probably like http://www.hs247.com/ too with loads of links or what about: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Protocols/IP/IPng/ And as for your "it's difficult': http://www.ipng.nl/index.php3?page=setup.html&forcepage=windows.html Or the single line: "ipv6 adu 3/fec0::1" Interface 3 (site 1): Local Area Connection uses Neighbor Discovery link-level address: 00-d0-b7-8f-5d-42 preferred address fec0::1, infinite/infinite preferred address 3ffe:8114:2000:240:2d0:b7ff:fe8f:5d42, 2591593s/604393s (addrconf) Tada ;) I think the problem is reading the docs is difficult. IPv6 will be/is autoconfig all the way fortunatly so those 'native config' tools isn't going to be used by a lot of people. Maybe also a nice tool for people saying "but IPv4 has a GUI on windows" you might like to type 'netsh' ones in your "DOS" prompt ;) btw.. DOS == command.com, NT = cmd.exe, there *is* a difference. </end of (re-)education> Greets, Jeroen