On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
Mythic Beasts Ltd, IIRC, names their machines after, uh, mythic beasts. Which is consistent, but not especially useful..
perhaps a decent other question is: Do I want to let the whole world know that router X with interfaces of type Y/Z/Q is located in 1-wilshire. I suppose on the one hand it's helpful to know that Network-A has a device with the right sorts of interfaces/capacity in a location I care about, but it's also nice to know that for other reasons :( so naming things about mythic beasts or cheese or movies is not so bad, provided your NOC/OPS folks have a key that shows: optimus-prime.my.network.net == 1-wilshire, m160, t1-customers-only.
On 6/29/07, Leigh Porter <leigh.porter@ukbroadband.com> wrote:
Then you get some networks who name all the routers after cheeses or characters from bill and ben the flowerpot men.