On 3/Aug/20 00:03, Ross Tajvar wrote:
I guess I missed your mention of "guidance rather than regulation", and am still missing it, unless you're referring to another thread.
If you want to acknowledge a problem with internet governance and bring it to this mailing list for discussion, that sounds like a good idea. But the only "problem" I've seen you bring up in this thread is the participation of young people, and I've yet to hear a reason why that's a bad thing. This just sounds like gatekeeping to me.
If we want to improve routing security, then rather than making vague claims about things "catching up with us" with no clear problem statement, we should be focusing our efforts on basic safeguards like filtering and RPKI OV. I don't consider that "burying my head in the sand".
You may have missed most of these fundamentals much earlier in the thread. I'm not looking to repeat myself, so you're welcome to start from the top and come back if you have any more questions. Mark.