so now they are making a profit from Wikileaks. true Capitalism. - *--------------------------------* * * *http://www.dailypaul.com/* * * *http://www.thenewamerican.com/* * * * -------------------------------- * * <http://www.thenewamerican.com/> * On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Jim Mercer <jim@reptiles.org> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 11:11:49AM -0500, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
There is an interesting analysis in today's New York Times
about the attacks on Mastercard, Visa and Ebay, how they were coordinated over Twitter and Facebook, and the free speech issues that that raises for the latter two organizations.
paypal has relaxed its restrictions on Wikileaks funds:
amazon is selling a Kindle version of the Wikileaks released cables:
this is all becoming quite surreal.
-- Jim Mercer jim@reptiles.org +1 416 410-5633 You are more likely to be arrested as a terrorist than you are to be blown up by one. -- Dianora