Buckhead a small (yuppy) burb of Altanta, Ga. James S.
From netconfig Fri Sep 11 05:46:32 1998 From: mwinter@exodus.net Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 05:27:54 -0700 (PDT) X-Sender: mwinter@bengi-w To: Dave Rand <dlr@bungi.com> cc: Sean Donelan <SEAN@SDG.DRA.COM>, nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: OUTAGE: train derailment in Atlanta, fiber cut MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type> : > TEXT/PLAIN> ; > charset=US-ASCII> Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu Content-Length: 790
Worldcom told me more than 800 DS3 are affected on their part. It's a train derailment between Buckhead (?), Georgia and Social Circle, Georgia. other carriers are affected too.
On Fri, 11 Sep 1998, Dave Rand wrote:
[In the message entitled "OUTAGE: train derailment in Atlanta, fiber cut" on Sep 11, 5:47, Sean Donelan writes:]
Today is off to a great start.
A train derailed outside of Atlanta cutting several fiber cables affecting service in the southeast.
MFS has a total of 613 DS3's down at this time - no ETR. No word on how many other carriers are affected. Outage began at 02:15 PDT, roughly.
Looks like self-healing SONET, isn't. :-(
Just wait for the self-healing teams to finish their work :-)))
- Martin Winter Exodus Communications