Op is funny. Best to laugh and smile. On 19/08/2014 6:43 AM, "Jeroen van Aart" <jeroen@mompl.net> wrote:
Scott Weeks wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Contact for God, please reach out to me offlist.
Regards, -AS666 NOC
ASN 666 is the US army. I was curious a long time ago and looked it up... ;-)
OP is a troll, best to ignore and block:
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-- Earthquake Magnitude: 5.7 Date: 2014-08-18 18:08:23.810 UTC Date Local: 2014-08-18 11:08:23 PDT Location: 43km ESE of Dehloran, Iran Latitude: 32.5542; Longitude: 47.698 Depth: 10 km | e-quake.org