well, if it's any consolation, you're the guy that routinely tells me on public mailing lists that anyone that is not an operator, and especially senior people from vendor companies, is completely clueless on all topics relating to the Internet. I have my days of feeling unwelcome too. Harald was two IETF chairs back. I was three IETF chairs back. You offered repeatedly to resign when you and I worked together, and I always talked you into staying. There, we're even. Now, can we please get constructive? I chair a working group called IPv6 Operations. It's mailing list is hosted on your computer - v6ops@ops.ietf.org. The purpose of the working group is to provide operators, quite a number of which attend, with a place where they can say anything they want and give very clear guidance to the IETF. If the operators have anything to say on the topic, I don't know how much more clearly the IETF can say "we're listening". Crabbing about it doesn't get it fixed. Help us fix it. On Sep 27, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
It's not like the operators aren't welcome.
fred, you are talking to the guy harald alvestrand, ietf chair, fired. sorry i was so sensitive that it made me feel unwelcome.
hint: the operators did not leave because of the bad food.