|I'm looking to improve my connectivity into the AP region, in |a cost effective [i.e. for as little as possible :-)]. I have |ruled out buying transit as it doesn't help the issue that I'm |trying to resolve, so I was wondering if there was a location/IXP |in the AP region that would enable me to interconnect with |as many AP carriers as possible.
sadly the best spot to interconnect is not in the AP region, its in Palo Alto.
And, it's cheaper to buy 45Mbps at a well negotiated rate from a major carrier in AU than to achieve the same amount of bandwidth with links around the country and peering in the key cities. In AP the best place to pick up carriers would be the IXs in HK or SG. HK is quite cheap to reach from both US and AU and the major telcos who won't peer in AU will peer in HK. I don't know what size player you have to be to get them to peer with you at the IX there though. If you want peering in AU, buy WorldCom (OzEmail). Continue the history (WCOM bought OzEmail when they couldn't get peering in AU, since OzEmail are one of the peering cartel; OzEmail bought Access1 for about the same reason). The big three in AU generally don't peer unless forced to by the ACCC (government competition commission). Surprised you haven't snapped them up yet James, I know they could do with a better regional POP network than the old OzEmaze POPs :-) David.