At 17:29 9/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
In article <Pine.BSD/.3.91.980909153738.7931A@crispy.iconn.net> you write:
According to David Holtzman of NSI (i asked him), the restrictions on whois are merely for technical reasons. I believe that he believes this, and from his point of view they have every right to filter/limit obnoxious or badly configured hosts/sites.
I have a call to arms. If we could get orginizations to mirror the whois data, and provide full, public access to it (via the current whois database) we could remove some of the dependency on NSI. After all, they don't run the only root, lots of other people run them as well...why should they run the only whois server?
Isn't/wasn't this supposed to be rWhoIs? A cynical mind might note that the contractually-mandated development of rWhoIs hasn't really happened. An even more cynical mind might note that the proper development and implementation of rWhoIs would dilute the control NSI has over the WhoIs database...along with it's financial prospects. Wabbit season!..duck season!..wabbit season!..duck season!..SPAMMER SEASON! Dean Robb PC-EASY computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]