On March 23, 2006 06:08 pm, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:41:52 -0600 (CST), Gadi Evron <ge@linuxbox.org>
It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth.
A mounth!
Given the scope of the changes you describe -- you wrote "Sendmail.com's patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program." -- I can't get upset at taking a month to fix it. You're dealing with asynchronous events, which are really hard to start with. I suspect that they spent some time deciding how to fix it -- you don't appear thrilled with their choice, but I don't know what other options they considered -- and then actually tested the new code. Given how many of our security problems are due to buggy and inadequately-tested code, I suspect that taking a month was actually being quite responsible.
Hey I'm the first guy to line up to knock Sendmail a.k.a. the pit of infinite flaws... but lets not beat people up who don't deserve it. My understanding of it was they found out from ISS and fixed it ASAP. (I'm sure they read this list, maybe they would care to comment) They took two weeks to update their customers and released it to CERT who was supposed to take two weeks - starting three days ago... but something happened (as it always does :) and it was sent out prematurely - widely. Hence again some people got caught off guard. I'm increasingly forming the opinion that waiting for patches on disclosure actually does harm. (Though I conceed that this is a religious issue likely never to be resolved.) Responsible disclosure may in fact be immediate disclosure so that people can measure impact without waiting for the inevitable vague wordings. That way we can take any countermeasures possible immediately - rather than being vulnerable in the silence while "special" people know. Resulting in not doing anything or being increasingly watchful as would be warranted. If you know your mailserver is vulnerable but you can't fix it you can always start to watch it like a hawk - if you know. I guess it depends on your security posture. If you are agressive on security you want information dispersed as widely as possible. If you are putting in minimal effort, then the less people know the better it is for you. Though only time will tell, I would also bet that this is not the last sendmail signal handler issue we will see... at least until the more Postfix-like commercial-only next version comes out... and then we will have a brand new code base full of untested code to deal with. And since its taken a few decades to stabilize Sendmail up to _this_ point.... I'll just hug my Postfix code and resolve to buy Mr. Venema beer at the first available opportunity :). cheers, --dr P.s. I still maintain that the right solution is to convince IBM to tweak the Postfix license so those who absolutely need fully open source can use it instead. I've personally audited a lot of that code and know how incredibly robust, nee paranoid it is. :-). Because when Sendmail X comes out the open source folks will have a big issue to deal with. -- World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques Vancouver, Canada April 3-7 2006 http://cansecwest.com pgpkey http://dragos.com/ kyxpgp