Never mind control and what Comcast says about hard-coding speed and duplex! The question is: What happens when you set the int facing Comcast CPE to auto? Does the link even come up? *IF* the link comes up, can you ping your next-hop? If you can, leave auto-neg on despite what what Comcast may say/require. Post a "sh int gix/y" and "sh int fax/y" If the above outputs are *clean*, I would say a TAC case is called for. --- On Thu, 3/29/12, Brian R. Watters <brwatters@absfoc.com> wrote:
From: Brian R. Watters <brwatters@absfoc.com> Subject: Re: Comcast Ethernet Feed To: "Randy" <randy_94108@yahoo.com> Cc: "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org> Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012, 7:02 PM
A couple of questions -
1) What flavor of NPE are you using?
2) Is the GigE interface on the NPE-G1/G2 OR is this a PA? 3) Is the FaE ethernet interface that you appear to be connecting your laptop to, on a separate PA in chassis?
Laptop connected directly to router via slot 4 PA-FE-TX
4) Have you verified you that "bandwidth-points" have not been exceeded for bus-1 and/or 2: slots 1,3,5 for bus1 and 2,4,6; also 0(if I/O controller is present. It is 600 points for bus1 and 600 for bus2.
PCI bus mb1 has 390 bandwidth points PCI bus mb2 has 500 bandwidth points
Have you *hard-coded* speed and duplex on any of you eth ints? Please don't!
GIGE has been both hard and auto .. same results .. Fast Ether has always been set @ auto
Let both ints auto-negotiate speed&duplex.
Comcast states that we are required to have a hard code FULL DUPLEX and SPEED 100 as well as flow control OFF however I can not appear to be able to disable it :(
after having done so, post the output of:
sh int gi x/y and sh int fa x/y
(hardcoding speed/duplex is sometimes required when dealing with brain-dead CPE. I have also seen other flavors of brain-dead CPE that *only* work when speed/duplex are set to auto)