The Westel A90-750045-07 Frontier branded DSL router has some amazing DSL status screens if you dig in the menu deep enough. I always kept one in the truck when I was doing some service work. Check the local Goodwill/Value Village. -- Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 360-474-7474 On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Robert Glover <robertg@garlic.com> wrote:
The local ILEC (Verizon) use Colt 250+. They are pretty cool. They do not do layer 3 like the meter you referenced. I'm actually looking for a cost-effective meter that does ADSL+ / VDSL2 / e.SHDSL. it's easy to find one that does the first two, but not all three.
-------- Original message -------- From: Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon@orthanc.ca> Date: 06/29/2015 5:50 PM (GMT-08:00) To: North American Network Operators' Group <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Thoughts On Cheap Chinese xDSL Testers
I've been poking around looking for an inexpensive xDSL circuit tester to do some measurements on my home DSL line, in opposition to the telco. $2K+ is not in the budget, so I'm curious about the accuracy of the $300 Chinese units kicking around eBay (e.g. the ST332B). Anyone out there have experience with them? Are they even remotely close to accurate?