The following will include NEW and old info regarding the Regional Techs Mtg, being held on October 4 & 5. Meeting: October 4th and 5th (Mon-Tue) in Ann Arbor. North Campus, Chrysler Center for Continuing Engineering Education, 2121 Bonisteel Boulevard. This is about 1-1/2 blocks from the three on-campus Merit office locations (NDSB, IST and the Comp Center). RSVP: Please let us know if you are coming. A reply to this ____ message should go to nsf-seminar@merit.edu. Thanks. 1. If you are from out of town and need a parking permit they will be available where you sign in. DO NOT park at meters when using a parking permit. 2. Detroit Metropolitian Airport is located 25 miles east of Ann Arbor on I-94. At Metro you will find many car rental agencies and a bus service, Commuter Service (in Michigan 1-800-351-LIMO, Nationwide, 1-800-458-9401). You can buy a bus ticket at the Ground Transportation Desk near the Luggage Pick-up (cash only). Buses leave hourly and stop at the Michigan Union (located on Central Campus) and major hotels in Ann Arbor. The fare is $14.00 one way or $25.00 roung trip (slighty more to the hotels). Make your return reservations the before you leave and plan to leave 1 1/2 - 2 hours before you flight time. 3. The Chrysler Ctr is located on Bonisteel Blvd. To reach it from the airport take I-94 west to I-23 north. Exit on the Plymouth Road turn left (west), you will pass 4 street lights at the 5th light (Murfin) turn left. You will take this past the 1st stop sigh (Hubbard) before you get to the next stop sign (Bonisteel) turn left into the parking lot. There is another parking lot on Bonisteel (turn left at the stop sign) on the left side of the street. Remember you can get a parking permit inside the Chrysler Ctr at the registration desk. 4. The Holiday Inn is located on Plymouth Road just west of I-23. It is on the left (south) side of the road just over the expressway. The Campus Inn is on Central Campus. To get from the airport to it you take I-94 west to I-23 north take the Washtenaw exit to Ann Arbor (west). Stay on Washtenaw until you get to E. Huron St. Turn left and the hotel is on the left between State and Division. You can ftp to merit.edu directory pub/nsfnet/regional-techs/campus. map.ps to get a small map of Central Campus. The following is the list of Attendees that I have: Ali, Nisar Almes, Guy Bayraktar, Serpil Becker, Jordan Bennett, Eric Blair, Sue Blake-Hedges, Jennifer Bostwick, Rebeca Boyer, Deb Burgar, Jeff Calderon, Robert Carroll, Eric Chen, Enke Christie, Tom Collet, Robert Conto, Richard Cunningham, Steve Driscoll, Mark Easterday, Tom El-Aawar, Nasser Ferguson, Dennis Ford, Peter Fredenburg, Chris Fuller, Vince Garner, Chris Gerich, Elise Hares, Sue Holbrook, Paul Horvath, Susan Joncheray, Laurent Kennedy, Sean Kives, Steve Knopper, Mark Labbe, John Labovitz, Craig Langford, David Latta, Ken Lothbberg, Peter Martin, Dave McRobb, Daniel Metcalf, Stan Norton, Bill Nowak, Bill Nugent, Jay Owen, Kraig Partan, Andrew Philyaw, Anthony Powell, Steve Priestley, Selina Prue, Walt Repucci, Sheri Riolo, Rick Satyam, Surekha Scudder, John Shih, Lo Smith, Kim Thomas, Joseph Topolcici, Claudio Waters, Jack Winkler, Linda Wittbrodt, Cathy Wojcik, Jane Yazdian, Riaz Yu, Jessica Zawada, Paul Mark Knopper will be sending out the final AGENDA soon. Elise Gerich will be setting up Whirlly Ball for Monday evening. A dinner will be planned for Monday evening, details to follow later. If you need more info just let us know. Also if you have not replied please do so, it helps when ordering food and such. Thanks again, Pam Ciesla