On Tue, 7 Jun 2016, John Curran wrote:
There is a large number of Internet service providers who:
Not only ISPs, but also content: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/16/06/05/1744246/distrowatch-finally-adds-su... "When asked why DistroWatch enabled IPv6 access to their server at this time, Smith answered: "Partly it was an experiment to see how much interest there was in IPv6. Partly it was because it is a little embarrassing (in 2016) to have a technology focused website that is not making use of IPv6." " Slashdot, Github etc, still no IPv6 though. I talked to LWN.net (who does have IPv6) about if they could write an article about IPv6. I offered to contribute text. We'll see how that goes. Linux Foundation seems to have some IPv6 related presentations etc. Perhaps it's time to re-do this and say "now we're not only talking about IPv6, it's actually happening and there are hundreds of millions of devices out there now with IPv6 access". I think a lot of people haven't heard of this. They've heard of IPv6 but as you say, they still think it's in the future. It would be helpful if they would get an update that this is happening NOW, and everything is ready to go. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se