Wait a sec, I was under the impression that multihoming with sprint was only a problem if you used PA addresses from Sprint. If you have PI addressing, or your addressing is from (for example) MCI, you shouldn't see a problem. Was I missing something? -D Darrel Lewis Network Engineer Thomson Electronic Information Resources dlewis@teir.com wsimpson @ greendragon.com ("William Allen Simpson") 09/30/96 04:57 PM To: jon @ worf.netins.net (Jon Green) @ Internet cc: nanog @ merit.edu @ Internet Subject: Re: Advice on dealing with Sprint Coming back to an old topic from whence we diverged, my advice would be _not_ to connect or multihome with Sprint unless they accept you as a peer and share the cost. Earlier, we have learned that Sprint doesn't multihome properly, as it deliberately ignores paths to its own "customers" seen from other ISPs even when its own lines are down. You learned that they have restrictive policies on routers. And more recently, we learned that Sprint has extremely restrictive policies on peering (exchanging routes). There really isn't much point to multihome with Sprint except to load share directly to Sprint's customers. You don't get any of the other benefits of redundancy. Why bother paying for the link and Sprint for the privilege? I can tell you, since my upstream provider switched a few weeks ago from multihome with Sprint and MCI, to nap.net and MCI, we've had _much_ better service! When nap.net has had problems, multihoming has actually worked correctly.... And multihoming with MCI and AlterNet seems to work well together, too. WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32 BSimpson@MorningStar.com Key fingerprint = 2E 07 23 03 C5 62 70 D3 59 B1 4F 5E 1D C2 C1 A2