At 11:06 6/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
On Thu, Jun 04, 1998 at 10:21:57PM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:
I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts.
But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?!
Ah, but is so often the case, the devil is in the details. According to the NSI press releases (you must use the search function at www.netsol.com to find them), WorldNIC is aimed at businesses (although you can also register .net and .org in addition to .com at WorldNIC), not people. For the privilege of using their fast, secure cgi-based registration process, your business pays a premium of $49 (registration docs indicate $119, $70 to InterNIC and $49 for WorldNIC....but their FAQ says $80). Seems that WorldNIC is nothing more than a front-end for InterNIC that provides quick and easy registration for a premium price. Raises some questions...why can't InterNIC use this quick and easy registration process instead of the pain-in-the-&)(& template system? It's the same damn company. The cynical mind has a couple of reasons, but an official answer would be nice. Shouldn't WorldNIC be required to note somewhere they and InterNIC are sister companies under Network Solutions? NSI seems to have gone out of their way to portray the two as very seperate entities, when the truth is quite different (of course, their press releases also fail to mention that they built the domain egistration system with the help, finances and guidance of the USG, so the portrayal is no major surpise). What do spammers and nails have in common? They're both intended for hammering. Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]