Straight from the MAN page Roeland (man whois)... ... DESCRIPTION Whois looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network In- formation Centers (NICs). The options are as follows: -a Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database. It contains network numbers used in those parts of the world cov- ered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE. Contact (handle) information should be looked up by appending "-ARIN" to the NIC handle: ... -----------------------Original Message-----------------------
From: Roeland Meyer To: Vivien M.;nanog@nanog.org Date: 5/15/01 5:16 AM Subject: RE: To CAIS Engineers - WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS
From: Vivien M. [mailto:vivienm@dyndns.org] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:44 PM
As someone posted before (but you probably didn't read):
Actually, I read it just fine. Yes, that is the block that is in use here. I just don't know who the hell Alex Black is. I also asked SpeakEasy. Weeks later, I'm still waiting for an answer.
vivienm@amethyst:~$ host www.mhsc.com www.mhsc.com is a nickname for vweb1.mhsc.com vweb1.mhsc.com has address vivienm@amethyst:~$ whois -a
When did '-a' become a whois option?
vivienm@amethyst:~$ whois -a \!NETBLK-SPEK-RMEYER-0 Black, Alex (NETBLK-SPEK-RMEYER-0) 440 Mission Court Fremont, CA 94539 US
Netname: SPEK-RMEYER-0 Netblock: -
Coordinator: Stollar, Andreas (AS3414-ARIN) abuse@speakeasy.net +1-206-728-9770 (FAX) (206)728-1500
Now, I realize your name isn't Alex Black (unless you have multiple personalities), but it sure looks to me like SpeakEasy knows how to SWIP (and the SPEK-RMEYER-0 name suggests they were trying to SWIP it to you).
Among other things, I'm also a SysAdmin. Of course, I have multiple personalities! But, Alex Black isn't one of them. Also note, Andreas Stoller's email addr. Do you actually think I would get any sort of response if I sent an email there? I might as well send it to abuse@mhsc.net. He probably uses the same bit-bucket that mhsc.net does (the /dev/null brand).