On Wed, Sep 17, 1997 at 04:28:26PM -0400, Alex "Mr. Worf" Yuriev wrote:
locality makes little difference in overall traffic patterns. How do you say "bullshit" in Russian? Chush
Thanks. "Chush."
C'mon, Vadim. As the Net, and the Web in particular, grow more geographically dense -- IE: as there _is_ more local stuff for users to look at -- they _will_; people are natively more interested in that which is near to them geographically.
I think you are forgetting that there always will be companies that provide content that will be the reason for non-local traffic to continue to dominate local (porn webfarms come to mind)
Nope; didn't forget it at all. But they will become a smaller and smaller percentage of the traffic, over time, and they're not pertinent to my argument, anyway, which was: local trafic should be _local_; it shoudn't have to go via Timbuktu. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued The Suncoast Freenet "People propose, science studies, technology Tampa Bay, Florida conforms." -- Dr. Don Norman +1 813 790 7592