That's the problem though. Everyone has presentations for the most part, very few actual tools that end users can just use exist. On 1/28/2015 午後 08:02, Robert Bays wrote:
On Jan 27, 2015, at 8:31 AM, Jim Shankland <nanog@shankland.org> wrote:
My expertise, such as it ever was, is a bit stale at this point, and my figures might be a little off. But I think the general principle applies: think about the minimum number of x86 instructions, and the minimum number of main memory accesses, to inspect a packet header, do a routing table lookup, and enqueue the packet on an outbound interface. I can't see that ever getting reduced to the point where a generic server can handle 40-byte packets at line rate (for that matter, "line rate" is increasing a lot faster than "speed of generic server" these days). Using DPDK it’s possible to do everything stated and achieve 10Gbps line rate at 64byte packets on multiple interfaces simultaneously. Add ACLs to the test setup and you can reach significant portions of 10Gbps at 64byte packets and full line rate at 128bytes.
Check out Venky Venkatesan’s presentation at the last DPDK Summit for interesting information on pps/CPU cycles and some of the things that can be done to optimize forwarding in a generic processor environment.