On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, Avi Freedman wrote:
Does anyone have any info on if MAE-EAST allows collocation of a 7507 now or is it still stated that the size has to be about the size of a 7010.
Please return email direct to tstroup@fibernet.net
Todd R. Stroup Fiber Network Solutions, Inc.
The 7507 is the same size as the 7010, give or take a few cm, I believe. And unlike Pennsauken, many at MAE-East have full racks available to them. In fact, Netscape has a bunch of purple beasties there (SGIs) last I looked...
Not height wise.. You could fit two 7010s in place of a 7507. But you say one can get as much rack space as needed? That's all I needed to hear. Thanks.
Sorry about that. Yes, of course, the 7010 is the same size as the 7505. Must have had cognitive dissonance. But yes, *when racks are available*, it's generally whole-rack-rental from MFS at Gallows. The other approach is to extend MAE-East to you in the NOVA area by buying a package which includes a dedicated or shared FDDI port, two Netedges, and a T3 in between the Netedges. My guess is that it's 50-50 or maybe 60-40 in favor of the Netedge approach, but collocating is definitely a more stable way to connect. Avi