Edward Brookhouse wrote:
Hi all,
Any Sprint BGP admins on this list can offer any thoughts on why Sprint connected networks are preferring my Sprint connection when they should be preferring my Verizon?
I (Healthy Directions) am AS16387, two blocks and, being announced by sprint and Verizon, preferred to Verizon(DS3) over Sprint 3MB.
They will prefer to send you traffic over their direct connection over that of a peer. You can influence this by sending them a community to lower your local preference within their network. Export community 1239:80 to Sprint and clear your outbound BGP session with them. See if that does the trick. However, you might get better performance by keeping Sprint direct customers on the Sprint link under normal circumstances, but have the rest of the Internet come over your Verizon link. If the Sprint customer traffic (only) doesn't fill your pipe from them, then you'll likely get shorter paths and lower latency by taking it direct. To do this, don't export 1239:80 but instead export 65004:0 which will cause Sprint to prepend to the rest of the Internet but route their customer traffic to you directly. -- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay@impulse.net Impulse Internet Service - http://www.impulse.net/ Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV