Brian Bruns wrote:
On Thu, February 12, 2004 4:52 pm, Brian Wallingford said:
We've been seeing the following on all of our (9.2.1) authoritative nameservers since approximately 10am today. Googling has turned up nothing; I'm currently trying to glean some useful netflow data. Just wondering if this is local, or if others have suddenly seen the same.
Seems harmless enough, but the logging is eating a disproportionate amount of cpu.
Feb 12 16:25:07 ns1 named[3150]: internal_send: Invalid argument
Its possible that someone is spoofing UDP packets to your nameserver from that IP range (which is IANA reserved space). It looks like BIND is refusing to send to that address, and thus the error.
At least, IMHO. So I could be wrong :)
Considering the address range, I'd say it'll have problems sending there... multicast anyone? / Mat