No, because you only want to stop the packets coming into the broadcast address, not the entire network. (You may want to block the entire network, say for security reasons, but that's a slightly different issue). I suspect that you are confused with the wildcarding. The second parameter is a mask for the first. All ones on the mask mean it matches exactly the first address. Leaving the last octet of the mask 0 means it matches all ip addresses that begin with x.y.z, including the broadcast address. --Dean At 6:46 PM -0400 4/19/98, jlixfeld@idirect.ca wrote:
Uhmm, would the wildcard not be
On Sat, 18 Apr 1998, Dean Anderson wrote:
:Umm, I think this has already been hashed out. This is not the only netmask :on the planet, and you don't know what other networks netmasks are under :CIDR. Trying to guess the netmask just leads to breakage. : :All you want to do is stop packets coming in to your broadcast address. :For example, for your network x.y.z/n (n=24) with your broadcast address :of x.y.z.255: (I presume everyone can translate between CIDR notation and :dotted decimal ;-) : :deny ip any x.y.z.255 : :no ip directed broadcast basically puts in the same rule, but it does it :automatically by looking at the netmasks on the interfaces.
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