Joe Abley wrote:
On 28 Aug 2004, at 14:38, John Ferriby wrote:
Is anyone aware of lists or sites dedicated to novel uses for old hardware?
I'm trying to figure out what to do with some old working gear that is valued practically as scrap. e.g. old lucent/ascend max 4002 units. Me thinks they are 6 year old antiques.
Your six-year-old antiques might be perfectly fine production gear for operators in other parts of the world. I would be trying to find a way to ship them cheaply to South Asia or Africa (or finding some other organisation that already works in those regions who would know how to distribute it).
I'm working with Digital Aid (www.digitalaid.org) on a large shipment of computer equipment destined for Africa right now. In the past the focus has been on computers, but network equipment is also very welcome, as I'm working on some potential projects over there that could use it. Digital Aid is a nonprofit so you could get tax benefits from your donation. If you're interested let me know- I'm in Atlanta, but we've got folks throughout the US who can take equipment. Robbie