Well to allow ICMP is good for just basic pinging of you or a traceroute. I really dont care if other people can traceroute or ping me so i just deny those lines i mentioned before, and all ICMP as a whole. Until the bug passes and/or gets fixed somehow, I am going to keep those lines. root@gannett.com wrote:
On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Systems Engineer wrote:
Well ever since this but was introduced to the outside world, I have since modified my present Firewall (ipfwadm v2.3.0) to accomodate.
type prot source destination ports deny icmp any deny icmp any
My rule is:
deny icmp any
With perhaps specific permits above that for devices that I find have a legitimate need for ICMP (be it unreachables, or echo/echo reply).
I was wondering more if there were a good reason, other than for dial-up users who may need connectivity checks, to allow any ICMP in, or ICMP to say anything more than a terminal server's address range and certain hosts.
Hence my prior discussion on ping-mapping netblocks, and its lack of applicability to the number of hosts on my network.
Paul ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul D. Robertson gatekeeper@gannett.com
-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Steven Nash ph: (516)248-8400ext25 Systems Engineer / Network Security fax: (516)248-8897 Lightning Internet Services LLC email: snash@lightning.net http://www.lightning.net --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---