I have what seems to be a good SRv6 test in my lab running XRv9k 7.0.2
But I’m wondering why the sniffer doesn’t show the much-spoken-of SRH (Segment Routing Header)…. But rather, shows my L3VPN v4 traffic riding v6 and that’s it. Let me know if I’m seeing an SRH and just don’t know it, LOL.
Ethernet – Type 0x86dd
Ipv6 – Next Header IPIP (4)
Ipv4 – icmp echo (my tests ce to ce end to end)
Those layers is all it shows. I’ve read a lot about SRv6 with SID’s inside extension headers or segment routing header, but I’m not seeing it.
Any idea what this is that I’m seeing ?
I’ve configured the PE’s IAW https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/routers/asr9000/software/asr9k-r6-6/segment-routing/configuration/guide/b-segment-routing-cg-asr9000-66x/b-segment-routing-cg-asr9000-66x_chapter_011.html#id_95420
I can give you more info if you wish.