MRT-1.0-ALPHA README Last updated 9/6/95 The first official alpha release of the Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) tools is now available: (SunOS) ftp://ftp.merit.net/net-research/mrt/mrt-1.0.alpha.sunos.tar.gz (Solaris) ftp://ftp.merit.net/net-research/mrt/mrt-1.0.alpha.solaris.tar.gz For more information on the MRT toolkit, see: http://www.merit.net/net-research/mrt/mrt.html MRT is an easy-to-use, extensible platform for developing and debugging routing protocols and routing code. MRT's Unix programs and C-library routines separate routing into its key component pieces of routing protocol, routing engine, and routing policy services. The MRT tools greatly improve the ability of network providers to monitor, troubleshoot, and analyze networks, and provide protocol developers or researchers with a useful vehicle for quick prototyping and experimentation. You can use MRT tools to: --Capture a BGP peering session and monitor it in real time --Input a binary file to the routing stream to replicate a problem or create any desired routing condition --Use a real-time dump to perform statistical analyses, prototype a new protocol, or test a routing engine --Record and replay sequences of events, in order to reproduce scenarios such as routing failures --Collect routing statistics and analyze route flapping The Alpha release contains the following tools: * SBGP A simple BGP4 speaker and listener * Route_BtoA Convert binary MRT messages to ASCII * Route_AtoB Convert ASCII descriptions of MRT messages to binary * CiscoBGP Check cisco routing tables against IRR * BGPCheck Check BGP updates against IRR * Route_Flap Perform route flap analysis and statistics collection 1.0 ALPHA RELEASE NOTES ----------------------- 1. This is an ALPHA release. The code is still a bit buggy and unstable. Depending on the number of bugs that turn up, we hope to make a BETA release available in late October. 2. MRT was designed to run on native kernel-level multi-threaded machines. If you run MRT on older machines, you will not achieve nearly the same level of performance. In addition, some MRT features will not work. 3. The complete set of MRT programming libraries and documentation will be released with MRT-1.0 BETA in late October. 4. MRS, XMRS, SRIp, PortMapper and MSGServer are included in this release as undocumented, unsupported prototypes.