This is actually not the case. Cable service in some regional areas was restored as late as on Monday and even in the same geographical area there was a partial connectivity, so it looks less probable that network could be overloaded only in some isolated segments longer than the rest of the network and require manual intervention to fix it. OTOH, overloading network core of such big network should be hardly possible. Possible route "poisoning" could be isolated, so that it doesn't affect the whole network cost to cost. It must be very unlucky coincidence of such event to happen on such big scale. Maybe caused by HW or SW bug. I'm talking just about probabilities of different scenarios and trying to compare them. So far, IMO provided version doesn't look very convincing. Kind regards, Andrey Kostin sronan@ronan-online.com писал(а) 2022-07-11 20:18:
I’m “guessing” based on all the services that were impacted the outage was likely cause by a change that caused a routing change in their multi-service network which overloaded many network devices, and by isolating the source the routes or traffic the rest of the network was able to recover.
But just a guess.