Central Computers is ok on no-name server components, but not at all for rack / cabling / power / management / etc. Micro Center was right next to places I go to eat over there, but all gone. I can almost see Frys off Lawrence/Scott from here, and there's a Graybar 3 miles the other direction. They no longer welcome me at that Graybar with my first name, I spent too much time ordering online for delivery and / or doing datacenters up in SF / the Peninsula, but there were a few years in the 90s... BTW, if you're sweating the cost on your cable wrap velcro, you're missing something. Your time is more valuable than all the above. On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Jeroen van Aart <jeroen@mompl.net> wrote:
On 05/01/2013 10:05 PM, shawn wilson wrote:
I'm more impressed with MicroCenter than Frys (at least the Frys south if SF).
Too bad the Micro Center in Santa Clara along hwy 101 closed shop a year or so ago. According to them the owner of the building raised the lease price too much. The closest one for the bay Area now is LA... But I too liked them better than frys. It looks like in frys most time I spend dodging pushy sales people. You can't look at a thing for more than 10 seconds before some creepster walks over asking if you need help.
A good alternative for the Bay Area is Central Computers. They even have a healthy selection of server hardware, including cases and motherboards: http://www.centralcomputers.**com/commerce/catalog/** spcategory.jsp?category_id=**1573<http://www.centralcomputers.com/commerce/catalog/spcategory.jsp?category_id=1573>
Greetings, Jeroen
-- Earthquake Magnitude: 4.4 Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 14:10:48 UTC Location: Kuril Islands Latitude: 44.1198; Longitude: 147.1659 Depth: 76.00 km
-- -george william herbert george.herbert@gmail.com