Newer versions of bahamut will do encrypted links. Just rc4. http://bahamut.dal.net Scalability while compressing to clients is a severly limiting factor unless you only plan on using it locally. Jason -- Jason Slagle - CCNP - CCDP Network Administrator - Toledo Internet Access - Toledo Ohio - raistlin@tacorp.net - jslagle@toledolink.com - WHOIS JS10172 /"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign . If dreams are like movies then memories X - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail . are films about ghosts.. / \ - NO Word docs in e-mail . - Adam Duritz - Counting Crows On Tue, 8 May 2001, Christopher A. Woodfield wrote:
This begs a question - does anyone have good experience with SSL-enabled IRC servers? I'm testing UnrealIRCd right now, but I've run into some showstopper bugs when trying to link servers over SSL. Any other suggestions?
On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 08:50:29PM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:35:27AM -0700, Sean Donelan wrote: [snip]
If folks are using this these services for real-time communications, should we be trying to improve their reliability? Or is this just a "feature" of how presence services work.
We use IRC for internal communication, and for communication with techies of several other Dutch ISPs. Works like a charm, and the irc server is local to us. If it's down, you pick another irc-server on the same network.
Works for us, works for lot of people.
Greetz, Peter.