On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Alain Hebert wrote:
Yeap ... cooperate... Which DLink is not doing.
All legal discussion end the same way... a dead end.
Half are scared by lawyer and the other have enought intestinal fortitude to put them in there place.
(At the bottom of the sea hopefully)
If everyone on NANOG were to send a boycott email ("Our company, Acme Internet Carrier of Oshkosh, will no longer be using Dlink equipment due to yada yada yada") and send it to the Investor Relations email addresses listed at: http://www.corpasia.net/taiwan/2332/irwebsite/index.php?secid=22&version=e&mod=ircontacts Then Dlink would have to sit up and notice and fix the problem (especially once the quarterly sales numbers shows an unexplained 10% sales dip starting in May 2006). And best of all - no lawyers needed. Boycotting someone or something is legal. -Hank