On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Alexei Roudnev wrote:
I use snmpstatd - snmpstat.sf.net .
Oooh, looks nice!
From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Ashe Canvar
2. actively detect routing changes / failover to redundant paths using traceroutes i.e. alert if SFO->CHG->NYC changes to SFO->LXE->HOU->NYC ( link state protocols suck as far as testing backup paths go)
I've done this using "mon" (http://www.kernel.org/software/mon/). It comes with two traceroute monitors which remember the past paths and alert when that
Snmpstat was esigned for ISP in Russia, and is used actively by a few ISP. I modified it for enterprise here in USA and use for entyerprise monitoring as well. It if _fixed parameter system_ so it imonitors just routeres/switches/firewalls for a limited set of parameters (interfaes and ports) but do it very well and have very useful compactt view, tickets, sopund alerts for opertators, etc. It uses simple config file which can be easily generated or can be modified by the web. I use it (Poll.conf file) as a primary documentation (saving it into CVS on each change). We are using snmpstat in combination with cricket or mtg (which monitors parameters not covered by snmpstat), and combine it with CCR - cisco configuration repository (track cisco config changes), ProBIND2 (control all DNS'es around), acid (snort viewer), inventory database (shows hardware in the racks), alert aliasing system (just set of aliases + archive for alerts, warnings and so on), osiris (control server's changes), and few other tools (you can see short description on the snmpstat page). It is not (yes; I have it in TODO but did not had demand so it was not completed) packed as 'rpm' or well auto-configured (but the only problem we hais usually _fix small inconsistancy in include files of embeddded snmp package), but is very fast (we monitor 1,000 - 2,000 interfaces without any visible impact on our FreeBSD servers) and relatively simple. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Trocki" <trockij@arctic.org> To: "Alexei Roudnev" <alex@relcom.net> Cc: "Ray Burkholder" <ray@oneunified.net>; "'Ashe Canvar'" <acanvar@gmail.com>; <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:09 AM Subject: Re: Backbone Monitoring Tools path
changes. In fact, one of the monitors can even detect load-balanced alternate paths, e.g. if there are multiple possible intermediate paths during normal operation.
You'll want to look at the latest 1.1 release from CVS:
3. actively transfer a fixed file i.e. draw a datarate grid between every datacenter and every other datacenter
In fact, I belive people have done precisely this with mon before. Try asking on the mailing list, I'm quite sure someone will respond.
I am in a buy vs. build debate with my boss ;)
Build! I think mon gets you at least 90% to where you want to go.