Jesper Skriver wrote:
On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 09:09:48PM -0700, Bora Akyol wrote:
Even with MPLS, you need to run some sort of a routing protocol. ISIS or OSPF with TE extensions would do.
Yes - did I say any different ? This was specific regarding BGP4 ...
Assuming all traffic is MPLS. This is not always the case. However, i'd be interested in knowing any network out there that has been able to achieve 100% MPLS forwarding in the core and has turned BGP-4 off their cores... dave
One can also use BGP with MPLS Label extensions as well. By the way, how does this work with route reflectors?
You will need a IGP.
-- Jesper Skriver, jesper(at)skriver(dot)dk - CCIE #5456 Work: Network manager @ AS3292 (Tele Danmark DataNetworks) Private: Geek @ AS2109 (A much smaller network ;-)
One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them, One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them.