A possible PC revision could have been 1) add more flavor of dominate US IXP's (of all organization structures) - as that geographical focus makes more sense for NANOG 2) don't list specific organizations by name, but instead just list their organization structure and a random identifier.
< rant > pablum nog. you are pandering to vendors to keep attendee costs down so you can have a high attendee count most of whom are sales folk. what can possibly go wrong? the pc be should have at least two talks including the unvarnished truth about specific named vendors, and at least one talk must be about a 'sponsor', whatever the hell that is and why it is needed. different ones every time, it is a target rich environment. the O in nanog is operator, not sponsor, panderer, suck up, ... we're spending millions for half debugged underperforming crap and we are cornered by infrastructure providers (e.g. ixps) who run us over time and again if it makes an extra penny. if you tell the vendors the truth, the real vendor engineers can go home and explain why they need management support to fix things. the truth makes us all free. randy