Daniel Roesen wrote:
He talked about "here in germany". "germany" is a nonexistant entity in BGP and global routing. You cannot talk about observation of connectivity problems with location specification in terms of "countries".
Hi Daniel, I thought it might make more sense telling where I am than saying downstream of DARX41-erx ( And here is the traceroute repeated for port 53 udp: host_name("","p54A7FD20.dip.t-dialin.net"). /usr/sbin/traceroute -p 53 h.root-servers.net traceroute to h.root-servers.net (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 echnaton.lomiheim ( 4.835 ms 5.754 ms 6.609 ms 2 DARX41-erx ( 102.306 ms 109.711 ms 121.313 ms 3 sepia ( 125.160 ms 132.543 ms 140.217 ms 4 230.469 ms 237.826 ms 245.680 ms 5 sl-gw31-nyc-12-0.sprintlink.net ( 255.599 ms 263.358 ms 271.387 ms 6 sl-bb23-nyc-12-0.sprintlink.net ( 280.600 ms 287.696 ms 296.003 ms 7 sl-bb20-nyc-8-0.sprintlink.net ( 242.799 ms 250.392 ms 367.674 ms 8 0.so-2-3-0.BR1.NYC4.ALTER.NET ( 156.870 ms 164.751 ms 172.858 ms 9 0.so-6-0-0.XL1.NYC4.ALTER.NET ( 182.478 ms 189.745 ms 197.843 ms 10 0.so-7-0-0.XL1.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( 239.347 ms 246.224 ms 254.247 ms 11 POS6-0.GW10.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( 262.775 ms 270.860 ms 277.932 ms <<no answer beyond this point>> This traceroute is for the system that can dig h.root-servers.net. This system lives downstream of host_name("","cb-sr1-e0.cb3rob.net"). host_name("","tourelle.serveftp.com"). /usr/sbin/traceroute -p 53 h.root-servers.net traceroute to h.root-servers.net (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 Bifroest ( 0.186 ms 0.155 ms 0.157 ms 2 Charybdis ( 1.555 ms 3.820 ms 3.135 ms 3 11.756 ms 16.716 ms 15.451 ms 4 14.394 ms 13.954 ms 12.179 ms 5 ge0-0-0-1.gr0.tcams.nl.easynet.net ( 13.406 ms 12.134 ms 13.903 ms 6 so0-1-0-0.gr0.tclon.uk.easynet.net ( 21.128 ms 28.479 ms 27.220 ms 7 ge0-3-0-0.gr1.thlon.uk.easynet.net ( 25.672 ms 24.268 ms 22.498 ms 8 ge0-0-0-0.gr0.thlon.uk.easynet.net ( 30.448 ms 29.706 ms 28.133 ms 9 ge0-2-0-0.gr0.bllon.uk.easynet.net ( 27.087 ms 25.549 ms 21.555 ms 10 br0.bllon.uk.easynet.net ( 20.339 ms 27.891 ms 26.280 ms 11 ge-1-0-0-0.br0.tclon.uk.easynet.net ( 25.986 ms 25.646 ms 37.109 ms 12 ge0-0-0-0.br0.thlon.uk.easynet.net ( 32.720 ms 31.975 ms 31.447 ms 13 ip-217-204-60-90.easynet.co.uk ( 29.707 ms 25.448 ms 21.981 ms 14 ge-5-0-2.402.ar2.LON3.gblx.net ( 18.514 ms 21.786 ms 21.109 ms 15 so6-0-0-2488M.ar2.NYC1.gblx.net ( 89.241 ms 91.517 ms 91.639 ms 16 POS1-1.BR3.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( 90.138 ms 92.526 ms POS1-0.BR3.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( 90.929 ms 17 0.so-5-2-0.XL1.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( 90.694 ms 89.473 ms 90.154 ms 18 0.so-7-0-0.XL1.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( 115.216 ms 113.511 ms 116.485 ms 19 POS6-0.GW10.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( 114.734 ms 115.800 ms 114.189 ms 20 0.so-3-3-0.dng.dren.net ( 113.536 ms * * 21 * * * Please note it is the same 84/8 so I dont think it is about the old bogon. I know of one host here in germany who can see h.root-servers.net. That host is living in a KPN data centre directly connected to Amterdam IX. All others I have asked cannot see h.root-servers.net. ISPs used were t-online, gmx, heag-media, arcor, aol and manet. Kind regards, Peter Dambier -- Peter and Karin Dambier Public-Root Graeffstrasse 14 D-64646 Heppenheim +49-6252-671788 (Telekom) +49-179-108-3978 (O2 Genion) +49-6252-750308 (VoIP: sipgate.de) mail: peter@peter-dambier.de mail: peter@echnaton.serveftp.com http://iason.site.voila.fr http://www.kokoom.com/iason