On 11/15/13 13:25, Jay Ashworth wrote:
You seem to be taking this awfully personally, though, Mike; did you *set* the policies and procedures I'm scoffing at?
I am NOT TAKING IT PERSONALLY DAMMIT!!! Okay, now being serious (note clever way of avoiding using emoticons while pointing out that I _wasn't_ being serious above), I wasn't involved in the decision process and didn't have much say in why things were done. If it looked like I was taking it personally, that was only because of the bald-faced, yet hidden accusation of my being wordy, which I categorically resemble. Okay, now I will really be serious. For the stuff that they did, and still do, the CEVs _did_ (and do) work. The user interface is a bit more challenging that a regular building. My understanding is that this got us out of a lot of political battles, but I was not privy to those conversations. I think, however, that it may have something to do with what Roy is going through at UM, especially as he noted that the decision appeared to have been made at higher levels. In this case, management did something that's not totally wrong, IMO. michael