On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Steve Atkins <steve@blighty.com> wrote:
On May 28, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Sargun Dhillon wrote:
Has Amazon given an official statement on this? It would be nice to get someone from within Amazon to give us their official view on this. It would be even more appropriate for the other cloud infrastructures to join in, and or have some sort of RFC to do with SMTP access within the "cloud." I forsee this as a major problem as the idea of "the cloud" is being pushed more and more. You are talking about a spammers dream. Low cost , powerful resources with no restrictions and complete anonymity.
Personally I'm going to block *.amazonaws.com from my mail server until Amazon gives us a statement on how they are planning on fighting spam from the cloud.
"The cloud" is just a marketing term for a bunch of virtual servers, at least in Amazons case. It's nothing particularly new, just a VPS farm with the same constraints and abuse issues as a VPS or managed server provider.\
These are highly dense service farms that are making efficient use of power, CPU, memory and network based on huge densities based on power and square footage. It's far more than a marketing term. Careful. Don't under estimate this trend. -M<