I've updated the graphic <https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eZZeqbDaTj6nSJJDdK0iu5Xm9Z_691rR&authuser=etienne.depasquale%40um.edu.mt&usp=drive_fs> with one other data point and increased the graphic's size (following feedback). In particular, I'd like to understand why there are so many operators who consider Active Ethernet (p2p) to be their largest and/or fastest growing access technology. Would anyone care to give an opinion / interpretation / perspective / other ? Cheers, Etienne On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 9:24 AM Etienne-Victor Depasquale <edepa@ieee.org> wrote:
Good people of NANOG,
Please find here <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eZZeqbDaTj6nSJJDdK0iu5Xm9Z_691rR/view?usp=sharing> a snapshot of two datasets concerning access technologies in the metro area.
The bar chart on the right summarizes data I collected last year from *NOGs; the bar chart on the left summarizes data received last year from Tier 1 and/or regional operators (incumbents). The y-axis shows cumulative responses for an option; the x-axis shows (hopefully unambiguous) monikers for the access technologies.
Would anyone care to comment on how well this matches his/her perception of the current state of deployments?
-- Ing. Etienne-Victor Depasquale Assistant Lecturer Department of Communications & Computer Engineering Faculty of Information & Communication Technology University of Malta Web. https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/etiennedepasquale
-- Ing. Etienne-Victor Depasquale Assistant Lecturer Department of Communications & Computer Engineering Faculty of Information & Communication Technology University of Malta Web. https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/etiennedepasquale