Here's what I got today from Barracuda. I'll let you know if it did indeed fix my problems. Hi Joe, Your latency problem should be resolved. ======================================================= On July 27th a new stream of spam was introduced into the wild. This spam contained certain formatting aspects that were intentionally designed to cause Spam Assassin's Bayesian implementation to run at extremely slow speeds. Due to the way Spam Assassin handled the email, it was taking several minutes to process these messages and the Barracuda's internal processes would detect the potential problem and start queuing mail to prevent any mail loss. Unfortunately this precaution had the byproduct of further increasing the message latency on the system. Barracuda Networks' team of engineers created a patch for this Spam Assassin attack. The patch was released in version 1.6.733 of the spam definitions. If you were affected by the new spam, please make sure you are running this version or higher of the spam definitions (Advanced->Energize Updates in the web GUI). Also, if you had previously contacted tech support and were advised to disable Intention Analysis (Basic->Bayesian/Fingerprinting) as a way to attempt to reduce latency, you should be able to turn this feature back on without any issues. ======================================================= Let me know if you have any additional concerns. Heather Heather Russell Barracuda Networks 408.342.5447 Direct 408.342.1061 Fax hrussell@barracudanetworks.com www.barracudanetworks.com -- Joe Hamelin Edmonds, WA, US