19216 network entries (32713 paths) using 2945880 bytes of memory Head FreeList Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Processor 310824 2E96D0 13315724 7699588 5616136 I think that it's time for folks on these mailing lists (and on the BGP list) to stop discussing the number of routes. It's really a bogus metric. Memory (at least in our implementation) is consumed for multiple reasons: paths, the AS path table, the routing table, etc. I would suggest that a much better characterization of BGP memory usage is in terms of both number of routes AND number of paths. A router with 20k routes and 20k paths uses a lot less memory than 20k routes and 100k paths. Admittedly this isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than just one dimension. We now return you to your normally scheduled confusion... Tony