On Wednesday, May 20, 1998 12:42 PM, Eric Germann[SMTP:ekgermann@cctec.com] wrote: @My point is no one gives a shit about your politics. Since my routers are @designed as magnets to attract packets from the AP region, I could really @care less about their allocation policies, funding, etc. As long as their @addresses are magnetic, I'll take them in. :) @ You obviously did not understand the question. Let me put it in simpler and more specific terms. If someone goes to the APNIC (or RIPE for that matter) and they obtain a block of IP addresses, let's say a /16. Can they have that block advertised in North America and have packets routed to hosts located in North America ? Do any NANOG operators allow that ? - Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.net/IPv8 IPv8 - Designed for the Rest of the Human Race AM Radio Stations ---> http://www.DOT.AM