Joe Abley wrote:
Your six-year-old antiques might be perfectly fine production gear for operators in other parts of the world. I would be trying to find a way to ship them cheaply to South Asia or Africa (or finding some other organisation that already works in those regions who would know how to distribute it).
Like for example the man who presented at the recent SANOG about a wireless network for yak farmers and villagers in remote parts of Nepal. He's got that entire wireless network running off solar antennas and connected over a single dialup - providing services (bbs, email) to a few hundred users, all of them yak herders, farmers etc. http://since1968.com/article/50/nepal-wireless http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3744075.stm He could sure use any gear at all that NANOGers have to spare .. and could also use donations of (say) satellite connectivity if someone can spare a VSAT link to replace the dialup that he's currently using to serve these guys out of. suresh