Hi, as far as I know, some large US Internet companies like Google, Facebook or Amazon restrict access to some services for certain regions like Crimea or countries like Iran or North Korea. Do they rely on services like MaxMind? Or do they use some other method to check the geographical location of IP address? If yes, then is there an API to check if an address is allowed to use Google, Facebook, etc services or not? thanks, Martin On 9/17/13, Martin T <m4rtntns@gmail.com> wrote:
when one end-customer has been using for example /24 IPv4 allocation for a while and returns this(for example changes an ISP) to LIR, then are there some good practices before handing out this same /24 to a new customer? I guess LIR should:
1) remove all the DNS PTR records, classless of classful delegations 2) check if some of the IP addresses are in DNSBL(maybe the previous customer was a spammer). Example with
$ for ip in {0..255}.216.184.93;\
do for addr in \ cbl.abuseat.org \ dnsbl.inps.de \ no-more-funn.moensted.dk \ dnsbl.sorbs.net \ bl.spamcannibal.org \ bl.spamcop.net \ psbl.surriel.com \ dnsrbl.swinog.ch; \ do dig @ "$ip"."$addr" +short | grep -q "^127.0.0." && \ echo "DNSBL-Alarm: $ip is listed on $addr"; done; done $
Anything else?
regards, Martin