26 Feb
26 Feb
7:12 p.m.
"bm" == Brennan Murphy <Brennan_Murphy@NAI.com> writes:
bm> I need a trace or log file of the Malformed SNMP packets bm> recently tracked by CERT. bm> http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-03.html Go to the Oulu University page mentioned in the advisory. Download the 4 .jar files that comprise the toolkit. unzip the jar files. There'll be a testcases/ dir in each of them. Each file in this directory is one of their packets. There are 53,000 of them. Have fun! ericb -- Eric Brandwine | Failing organizations are usually over-managed and UUNetwork Security | under-led. ericb@uu.net | +1 703 886 6038 | - Warren G. Bennis Key fingerprint = 3A39 2C2F D5A0 FC7C 5F60 4118 A84A BD5D 59D7 4E3E